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2006 - SAID Annual Seminar Meeting Archives

November 1-3, 2006

Charlotte, NC

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

9:00-10:00 Curriculum Development Task Force

Only those involved in review and development are expected to attend these sessions, but others are welcome.

10:00-12:30 Strategic Planning: Follow-up and report

on activities projected at 2005 SAID Annual Seminar

12:30-2:00 Lunch

2:00-4:00 Meetings as scheduled by committee chair.

2:00-5:00Auxiliary Roundtable Session - "Comparison of Electric Toothbrushes with Manual Brushes for the Institutionalized Client".

Sarah Bradshaw, RDH - Goldsboro, NC

**This segment provides three additional C.E. credits**

6:00-8:00 President's Reception

Omni Charlotte

Charlotte, North Carolina

Thursday, November 2, 2006

8:00-8:30 Registration

8:30-8:45 Welcome and Opening Remarks from the President

Larry McDonough, DMD - New Lisbon, NJ

8:45-10:15 "Overview of Neruologic diseases: Principles of patient management"

Robert Henry,DDS - Lexington, KY

10:15-10:30 Break

10:30-12:00 "Neurologic/Deseases" Dr. Henry continues

12:00-1:30 Lunch

1:30-3:00 "Methamphetamine Abuse and Implications for Public Health"

Jim Clare, DDS - Raleigh, NC

3:00-3:15 Break

3:15-4:00 "Meth Abuse & Implications" Dr. Clare continues

4:00-5:00 "Update Bisphosphomates and Osteonecrosis of the Jaws"

Doug Veazey, DDS - Morganton, NC

Howard Blair, DDS - Morganton,NC

5:00-6:00 Exhibits and Door Prizes

Friday, November 3, 2006

8:00-8:15 Opening Remarks

President of SAID

Larry McDonough, DMD- New Lisbon, NJ

8:15-8:45 "Recent Articles on Dental Care for Persons with Disabilities"

Paul Burtner DDS Gainsville, FL

8:45-9:15 "Dental Desensitization"

Mike Noblit, DDS - Nashville, TN

Carlton Horbelt, DDS - Arlington, TN

9:15-10:15 "Overview of the Use of Moderate Sedation in a Developmentally Disabled Population"

Bobby Turner,DMD - Augusta, GA

Scott Monroe, DDS- Miledgeville, GA

10:15-10:30 Break

10:30-11:15 Pearls" (Be sure to bring your "pearls of knowledge")

Moderator, Dave Itzkoff, DDS Chicago, Il

11:15-12:00 SAID Business Meeting

President of SAID- Larry McDonough,DMD presiding

Don't Forget Your "Pearls"Again this year we will present the "pearls" you have gathered over your experiences. In a 3-8 minute presentation please share these "pearls" of wisdom and insight. It can be verbal, written, or audio-visual. The "pearl" can be from any aspect of your program.

Important Program Note: All members should plan to stay for the business meeting on Friday at 11:15 AM. It could be one of the most important meetings in SAID history. We will be voting on a constitutional ammendment (see below), as well as a possible name change. Let's keep SAID viable and strong for years to come. Support your organization!

Constitutional Change: Final Vote to Change the Name of SAID and Amend Article V which shall read: "The officers of SAID shall constitute the Executive Commitee. This committee will consist of a President, President-Elect, Secretary and Treasurer, and will be elected be a simple majority of SAID membership in attendence at the annual business meeting."

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