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Below you'll find recordings, handouts and resources from our 2023 Speakers. We'll continue to update this page leading up to and after the annual session. 

SAID Annual Seminar Resources

Please fill out an evaluation form for each presentation that you attended. 

Pearls of Wisdom - Learn from Each Other

Treating the Behavior Challenged & Complex Medical History Patient in Private Practice

Robert E. Rada, DDS, MBA

Updates in Cardiology & The Intersection with Dentistry

John Blair, MD, FACC

The Syllabus: Your Resource List for Teaching & Practice

Betsy White, RDH, BSDH, FSCDH

Dementia & Chief Medications: What, Where & How They Work

Joy V. Poskozim, DDS, FSCD, CDP

Forensic Odontology

Denise Murmann, DDS

Special Care for Special Needs

Jamie Collins, RDH-EA, BS

Health Care for People with Down Syndrome

Brian Chicoine, MD

Pearls of Wisdom

David Itzkoff, DDS Moderator

Marcie Rubin joined us over zoom with the following:

Columbia University’s College of Dental Medicine seeks representatives from SAID to virtually meet with a small group of first year dental students over zoom. The students will ask questions about SAID and its mission and work. They may also ask about the careers of the SAID representatives. The students will share their learnings with their classmates.


If interested in participating or would like additional information, please contact Marcie Rubin at: 

You are the Power for Change - Harnessing Advocacy & Policy for Oral Health

Theresa (Tracy) Anselmo, BSDH, RDH

SAID Literature Review

Kimberly Espinoza, DDS, MPH and Scott Howell, DMD, MPH


We'd like to thank the following sponsors of the 58th Annual SAID Seminar

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